Tag Archives: Sound

Theatre workshop “A ciegas” (Madrid). Open call for students. Deadline: March 29, 2012


Taller de creación escénica “A ciegas”. Convocatoria pública

Hablar en Arte lanza una convocatoria pública para participar en un taller de experimentación teatral y de danza, cuyos alumnos -invidentes y videntes- investigarán a través del cuerpo y la voz sobre experiencias, clichés y otros conceptos sobre la ceguera. El taller consiste en la creación conjunta de una obra escénica que culminará con su estreno en el centro de creación contemporánea  Matadero Madrid.

Los tres profesores -Ismeni Espejel, Patricia Ruz y Victor Duplá- desarollarán el taller entre el 11 de abril y el 9 de junio de 2012, los lunes, miércoles y viernes entre las 10 y 14 horas. Su duración total es de 80 horas más una semana de ensayos intensivos. La participación es gratuita.

Se buscan estudiantes de las escuelas y conservatorios de teatro y danza, pero también personas ajenas al mundo de la creación escénica, que estén interesados en participar en un proceso creativo y colaborativo con actores ciegos y no profesionales. No se exigirá experiencia previa, sino una voluntad y un deseo claro de participar desde el principio hasta el final del proceso.

Los interesados pueden remitir su currículo y una breve carta de motivación hasta el miércoles 28 de marzo a la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico: soren@hablarenarte.com

Más información en la pagina de Hablar en Arte.

————  ENGLISH VERSION  ————–

Theatre workshop “A ciegas”. Open call for students

“A ciegas” is an experimental theater and dance workshop. It’s participants – blind and non-blind – will be investigating on clichés and concepts of blindness through body and voice experiments. The final aim of the workshop is to create and set up a stage play that is to be set up at centre for contemporary creation Matadero Madrid.

The workshop, the reharsels and the subsequent staging of the play are organized by the three professors Ismeni Espejel, Patricia Ruz and Victor Dupla and will take place between April 11 and June 9, 2012. The workshop is free of charge and has a duration of 80 hours.

We are looking for drama and dance students and other professionals who are interested in participating in a collaborative creative process with non-professional actors and blind people. No previous experience is required, but we would like to insist in that all the participants should have the time and the clear desire to continue in the process from the beginning to the end.

If you are interested you can send your CV and a brief cover letter until Thursday 29 March to the following email address: soren@hablarenarte.com. More information on the Hablar En Arte Website.

‘Sounds Design’ at the Design Museum

Lizzie Crouch

While you are sat reading this blog post your vision is not the only sense being stimulated. You are taking in sounds and smells of things going on around you whilst you skin touches different fabrics. As Professor Charles Spence explained in the ‘Sounds Design’ talk at the Design Museum last night, we are only aware of the results of how our senses integrate, how we experience a situation as a whole, but not how our senses interact with each other to produce that experience.

Charles Spence is a psychologist based at the Crossmodal Research Laboratory in Oxford University. His research investigates how our brains combine inputs from each of our senses. All the senses influence an experience in their own way, and sound, the focus of the evening’s talk, is no exception. We are all aware of influence that sound can have (e.g. a ticking clock in a horror…

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